Saturday, February 20, 2010

Thursday, March 26, 2009
It's time...
Did you know that your baby is considered full-term at 37 weeks. Well, I sure as hell know it. It's time to come on down, liitle man! Holy freakin cow. Eli has come up with ways to twist and stretch and basically create his own little version of the film "Aliens" in my belly. It hurts, alot.Even so, I'm scared to death of this whole labor thing. Go ahead and tell me women have been doing this for centuries. I dare you. Somehow that fact doesn't comfort me.

Monday, December 22, 2008
Christmas waddle
Wow. I walk like a duck. It is pointless to try and stifle it. Certainly it is true that the pregnant woman emits a glow--a sort of luminosity that screams "I got a baby cooking in here!" It is also true that my back hurts most of the time, I burp, like, constantly, and my boobs have their own gravitational pull. I had no idea that this was going to be so difficult. I had no idea that just getting off the couch would involve strategic maneuvers. Things that are supposed to stretch are stretching. Ligaments that support "things" are causing crippling pain, mind-numbing, curling up into a ball on bathroom floor kind of pain. And the most frightening part is that I'm only 6 months in. I can't imagine what I'll be like two months from now. The only thing making it worth every second is that he's (yes it's a boy) constantly letting me know that he's in there and he's alright. He's flipping and kicking and it's freaking amazing. So here's to my first dry Christmas in like....forever. And here's to making my third batch of fudge. Hope you guys are happy and warm. Love you lots. Merry Christmas.

Currently listening:Don't Shoot Me SantaBy The KillersRelease date: 2007-12-04

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