Thursday, February 11, 2010

and the day is done....

Mama needs a drink. There's something about gently, yet firmly bringing to a parent's attention a child's possible issues--whether or not these issues are as serious as a possible learning disabilty or as benign as as "Little Roderick is having trouble keeping his hand out of his pants..." is inconsequential. Such statements can rock a parent's world. And frankly, I don't like rocking worlds. I like rocking chairs and rocking out and drinks on the rocks...I digress. Needless to say I am freakin exausted. And how does this girl unwind? By watching a lovely episode of Murder She Wrote thanks to my super-cool ROKU, thank you. There is something so calming and reassuring about 80's tv. The hair, the shoulder pads, the teased bangs, the soft jazz in the background. Jessica Fletcher: world traveler, aunt and college friend to thousands, and wearer of blouses I can only hope you're in town when I'm falsley accused of murdering the guy my mom grew up with that could be my father except he was supposed to be in Vietnam but lost his memory while serving with Jessica Fletcher's husband I'm not sure. Anyway...

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