Saturday, February 20, 2010

reminescent blogs...

and the cold wind blows.... Current mood: blah JAnuary 23, 2008

So I suppose that's the way it goes. Such a bland statement seems to fit this time of year. The cruel wind taunts the girl in the skirt...I'm that girl. I feel cranky, sad, uninformed (presidential race be damned) and ugly. Winter steals the sun and makes me blue. I'm not the only one. Death seems a bit more cruel this time of year. Imagining the ones you love battling the cold whilst they battle that bitch winter is intolerable. Feel better folks. Keep warm.

Hustle and flow..... Current mood: contemplative Feb. 3, 2008
Alright folks. I have a brief month to let loose and say adios to my twenties-- too sad, too much water under the bridge. Say what you will: Thirty is the new twenty, Fifty is the new thirty. YOU can blow that out your derrie-terrie. I wanna be twenty-four. Oh, that golden age of, "buy me a drink and I'll thank you tomorrow" and "No, sir, you must be mistaken, I'm not the owner of those panties...." Sheesh. No, I was not that much of a slut. But I had a hell of a time wishing I was. So, I say so long and farewell to the time I finally figured out it was ok to dance and not worry, to drink and not be judged, and perhaps even get up the next day and go to work. I'm not really sad. I realize that's stupid. I'm simply doing what girls do: lamenting our youth. SO, my sweet fellas, tell us we're gorgeous and incredibly hot. And MEAN it.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008
super-trashy birthday pants.... Current mood: blustery March 4, 2008
So tomorrow I turn 30. No melt down's yet. But then again, I've been ill for the entire month February. So the fact that I have been out of bed for 3 hours straight is a HUGE deal. I'm swinging back and forth between feeling fucking proud of my years on this earth and trying to figure out how I change my DOB from 78 to 82. Those four years are immeasurable. I've been on mind-numbing pain-killers for the past 3 days due to a monsterous ear infection that will: " eventually rob you of your hearing in that ear if you don't do something about it...." Thank you pissed off ER doctor whose name shall remain written in my little black book of jerznerks. Sickness sort of quells the savage beast of self-reflection. When not hunched over the toilet or or cowering in an ER in severe pain, one can usually look toward the brightness of his/her own future and wave hello.
I'm also telling myself not to try so damn hard. I could party hardy til I dropped or threw up when I was 24. Now I'm lucky if I'm not curled up on somebody's couch by three. Lame, but true. Concerts mid-week, lets just say I'd have to adore the band. I'm lucky to have a guy that is game for whatever stupid-ass idea I want to undertake. With our professions, we're not afforded those days of, "shut your sass mouth, I was up until 4" attitudes. I imagine some sort of birthday induced funk will rear its ugly head by the weekend. We can only keep our fingers crossed right? I'll save that for Nick in Savannah.

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