Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The end is nigh....

Holy mo! I am so close to the end. I am searching for the inner strength to enjoy these last few days with a perfectly sweet class of Pre-Kindergarteners. We're just all so tired, folks. TI-Red. I'm sitting right on the edge of summer and sleeping late (even with a little rugrat running around). Tomorrow is graduation and then the infamous end of year party--imagine the wildest kegger and then take away the kegger and add some sort of pinata/dangling donut game and ....cupcakes. There are always cupcakes--usually Publix cuz they rock. It's a tornado of bye little Mikey, give me a hug, (now there's icing on my dress), no wait you forgot your yearbook--oh, that's Donovan's yearbook because he sneezed on it yesterday--right, "Have a great summer!," deep breath and do it again fourteen times...Whoohooo!

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