Monday, May 19, 2014

Tarred. "She's just tarred." That's how we say "tired" in the deep south. My kid woke up this morning and couldn't breathe. First of all, that is freakin terrifying. My hub was all, "It's okay little guy. Just calm down. It's gonna be okay..." E was scared--eyes like saucers, trying to cry if he could catch his breath. Little ones are not/should not be familiar with that sensation. So there I am, cradling him in the cruddy, comfy rocking chair as Nick runs down to tell the bus driver that we are not going to school today. Fast forward through taking my sweetie-pie to work with me for 2 hours, an ugly doctor's appointment, buying an inhaler/ Flonase, and the general fatigue that comes with Mondays. Did I mention there are 3 days left of school and I'm slightly stressed?

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