Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Blerg. I suck at keeping a blog. There is Play-Doh embedded in the friggin carpet, Eli ate around all the meat in the spaghetti tonight and helped me "work out" this afternoon by commenting on how big my muscles were during squats. Also, I should not buy pre-made garlic toast because I inevitably cook 4 pieces when I need to only cook 2. All these things are true. Letting almost a year go by without up-dating this thing is unforgivable. Life marches on.  School is almost out for the summah. I always hit an all-time low this time of year. My thoughts are amplified and fuzzy. My words are confusing and usually punctuated with, "What do you think, sweetheart? Are your pants REALLY on fire?" My family is pissy and tired and we need a break. Nick and I are putting way too much stock in our daily Jeopardy battle. "What is Mount Makushin?" What indeed. We have had almost an entire year at E's inclusion school--very good for the most part. I am still incredibly overwhelmed by his IEP and all the jargon that goes with it. Apparently I have to be a crazy mom in order to get all the services my son requires. I don't want to be a crazy mom. I want to be the cool mom that cruises into school in  jeans and a vintage Pink Floyd tank top to read the kids "Miss Nelson is Missing." I' m a teacher too. It's hard. Very hard. Eli's made incredible strides. I thank God everyday that he can communicate with us now. I have got to focus on those feelings and not the terrified mom ones. Maybe this summer...

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