Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The end is nigh....

Holy mo! I am so close to the end. I am searching for the inner strength to enjoy these last few days with a perfectly sweet class of Pre-Kindergarteners. We're just all so tired, folks. TI-Red. I'm sitting right on the edge of summer and sleeping late (even with a little rugrat running around). Tomorrow is graduation and then the infamous end of year party--imagine the wildest kegger and then take away the kegger and add some sort of pinata/dangling donut game and ....cupcakes. There are always cupcakes--usually Publix cuz they rock. It's a tornado of bye little Mikey, give me a hug, (now there's icing on my dress), no wait you forgot your yearbook--oh, that's Donovan's yearbook because he sneezed on it yesterday--right, "Have a great summer!," deep breath and do it again fourteen times...Whoohooo!

Monday, May 3, 2010

So I'm baking muffins, without the little muffin cups, mind you. And I'll be damned if I'm dragging my kid back out in the fripping downpour that has become our Monday. I would not usually be baking whilst my child screams and holds onto my mud-spattered leg. But tomorrow is the extravaganza also known as Muffins for Moms and I've got to be prepared...

This has been a good week fraught with alot of bad things. I'm tired and stressed and sad--yet I've been in a helluva good mood.

As I sit here. Eli is pulling all of my horror dvd's off the shelf onto the floor. He's having a hard night. He's clingy and tired and teething. I am torn between picking him up to comfort him and having a few moments of time to myself. I just got to vacuum and play Eli's favorite game of can I attack mommy's Dyson while she tries to vacuum. Argh.