Thursday, July 29, 2010

Flaming Moe....

"Oh, the shark has, pretty teeth dear, and he show's them pearly whites"....and my kid has my cell phone. I am wondering when it will become imperative for me to get my phone back--considering that the kid ain't crying. I'm crying. But the kid ain't. Summer is wandering around the block and is almost home again. I my shins are scraped and I have a load of mosquito bites--metaphorically speaking. I started to clean out my closet today and became so depressed and the number of black shirts that I own, I had to stop. I remember explicitly each purchase of said shirt and each excuse made to dignify said purchase. But it still sucks that I feel the need for 12 black shirts in varying styles. But somehow I do/did.

Friday, July 2, 2010

SUMMER, people!!!

You know what, folks? I'm home for 2 months. It's been about 3.5 weeks and I'm ready to head back to work:) I know. Pathetic. I have been sleeping extraordinarily late--as has my young padawan. Going back to work is going to be a b)&^$.

Watching "About Last Night" for the 1st time and noticing that Elizabeth Perkin's hair is kind of bad. Frizzy perm. Bangs off to one side. Ugh. Pants are also very high up. Sweaters are flipping huge. In 1986 I was 8. I wasn't allowed to listen to secular music, as my mom called it. So I stuck my clock radio under my pillow and cranked up Z93.0. "Walk Like and Egyptian" and "Kharma Chameleon" soothed this little girl sleep. Wow, Rob Lowe is a skeeze. And Demi is Fabulous in her pale gray cardigan. This girl needs to go to sleep.