Saturday, June 29, 2013

rainy night....

  Summer shines a great big 'ol light on all the stuff that scares the hell out of me. Lazy mornings of sleeping late morph into rapid screeching sessions of "why can't you just tell me?" Because I know he can tell me if he wants to--or so I think. He (my little one) has two band aids--one on each arm where he got his shots last week. He refuses to take them off. I was even terrified for him to get the shots. All of the hullabaloo about autism and who the hell knows what else created a sort chasm of irrationality in my red-head. Luckily they require innoculations to attend school. And attend school he will! After a battery of tests (I just love saying a battery of tests) we now know that he may have something called MERLD (mixed-expressive-receptive language disorder). But he also may not:) If I'm understanding correctly, MERLD, like autism, is on a spectrum. I think Eli falls somewhere in the middle. He likes to repeat himself...I think just  make sure that we're grasping the importance of what he trying to say. We grasp the importance. Really, Eli, we do. Seriously.